Country Sweet Boutique
Country Sweet Boutique

Laura Rice, CVT & petpro
Laura Rice, CVT & petpro
The human/animal bond is amazing! We love our pet family more than imaginable. We want to make sure they are well provided for with food, water, shelter, love and companionship. After being in the veterinary field since 1995, and a licensed veterinary nurse, there is definitely a need, I feel, gets overlooked. This is the biggest of all and the one thing that sustains your pets health - NUTRITION. What is a good quality diet!? I have seen great clients take the word of the kid at the pet store over the veterinary professional. Why? I can only speculate... Easy, inexpensive, located where they shop for other items and because nutrition doesn't always regularly get addressed. Diets are a dime a dozen and what really makes a diet great is the positive response you see from your pet. These are, but not limited to; shiny coat, good energy and their love of the diet. What also needs to be considered is... the quality of the ingredients, is the diet guaranteed, Made in the USA and customer support.
Check out the links below and let me know if you have any questions about the diet/products or happen to be interested in joining this great team. I look forward to hearing your feed back.

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